We tested it on P6.1 64bits, and this Cairo crash seems to be gone. It may need more testing though.

Is it thanks to P6.1 or the 64bits image/VM? It looks strange because it looked like a lib Cairo crash, but in the other hand the faulty C function did not appear to be called from Pharo image.

What need to be done porting to P6.1, is mainly image shrinking, fix of several bugs from P6.1 impacting drgeo, working setup for linux/windows/mac. Still some job.


Le 02/10/2017 à 15:19, Stephane Ducasse a écrit :
How could we help?

On Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 9:14 PM, Hilaire<hila...@drgeo.eu>  wrote:
I had situation where the system libcairo:i386 does not work with Dr.Geo[1],
Pharo crashes with what looks like a Cairo crash! Looks like not a Pharo
fault, but I am definitely stuck.

It is problematic, it is a system (LinuxMint based) used in Geneva primary
schools and Dr. Geo was expected to be used there:(



Le 01/10/2017 à 19:50, Igor Stasenko a écrit :
     All these difficulties are good argument to get the appropriate
     libcairo/libpng shipped with the Linux VM, as done with Windows
     and MacOSX VM

Nah, in my case, there's nothing that can be lableled as "Pharo fault". It
is definitely a linux/ubuntu ecosystem fault. - by not providing parallel
updates for 32 & 64 bit variant of same library.
Dr. Geo

Dr. Geo

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