
I am progressing with my use of SmaCC and I think a found the source of the
problem that makes it impossible to generete the classes for the parser and

1)  I gave the name for both classes: the parser and the scanner.
2) I copy the very simple first part of the tutorial
3) I clicked on the Compile LR(1) button and a window popped up with the
label: "Both classes are not specified"

At the time the method SmaCCDevelopmentUI>>compile: was invoked the
expression self parserClassString returns an empty string (although I
entered the name of a class on the UI)
 I found that the "parserClassMorph" did not hold the name of the class 

Then I breakpointed the method SmaCCDevelopmentUI>>addParseClass: and I
entered a new name for the class of my parser and I follow with the debugger
the execution that follows the invocation of the method. Everything works as

I changed the name again but the method SmaCCDevelopmentUI>>addParseClass:
(the one with a breakpoint) was not called again. 

I think it is a problem related to Morph . I am a complete ignorant on Morph
(among other things) so it is hard for me to fix the problem. 

I hope this message helps fix the issue


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