On 14/11/17 10:36, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

> I have thought that Git is overcomplicated for most of the developers'
> tasks and communities. I don't know if the root of previous issues is
> in the "Iceberg enableMetacelloIntegration: true" line, but having to
> get your pair of keys working to just install software is overkill for
> the common user (and when LibGit errors are present, the documented
> solutions don't work seamlessly). Maybe a more sensitive solution
> would be just to use libgit, without any ssh auth to clone
> repositories and its prerequisites or even better, some download that
> goes to the files in the tip (or other) version without all this
> overhead. 

In fact, using "Iceberg enableMetacelloIntegration: false" produce a
smoother installing experience. Putting this as the first line of the
script doesn't help to most of the users if we want to enable easy
feedback. Anyway, after a mostly successful installation, Moz2D
installation failed, downloading a ~20Mb file and after that saying:
"Moz2D library is not installed correctly. Select Proceed to continue,
or close this window to cancel the operation." That made most of the
examples non functional because of the lack of Moz2D or because some

Any other way to install Moz2D on Manjaro/Arch Linux or to disable it an
still be able to use Pillar preview features?



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