Hi all,

I have a long running Seaside/Pharo application which still runs perfect
on Pharo 1.4. I want to step into the future and migrate to the newest
Pharo 6.1.

The application's persistence is just in the image, so my plan is to use
Fuel to transfer the objects from Pharo 1.4 to Pharo 6.1.

My first attempt:

--- Using Fuel version 1.9.4 on both VMs.
--- Class TimeStamp was missing, so I created it.
--- I use a Fuel-migration for the renaming of "MethodContext" into the
new "Context" class.

But now I am stuck with FLMethodChanged errors. My investigation shows
that there are unequal values for the method Context>>bytecodesHash when
comparing Pharo 1.4 with 6.1. (BTW: Pharo 5 gives same values like 6.1).

So, basically Fuel can not materialize the instances because the
bytecode hash of all methods have changed, comparing 1.4 to 6.1. My
feeling says that this could be a major problem for my plans to migrate
from Pharo 1.4 to 6.1.

Is there a chance to still load those instances with Fuel into the new
6.1 Pharo?


Andreas Brodbeck

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