Hi Ben

2018-01-15 4:53 GMT-03:00 Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com>:
> On 15 January 2018 at 14:19, Hernán Morales Durand
> <hernan.mora...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Ben,
>> Thank you for sharing this, looks really cool.
>> I have some issues installing the library. In the "Clone repository"
>> dialog I had to use
>> https://github.com/Traadh/bittrex.git
> Which OS are you on?
> For Windows you need to enable  Iceberg > Settings > Custom keys
> since Iceberg is not playing well there with ssh-agent.
> Also, the software for creating ssh keys is not built into Windows. Try...
>   http://guides.beanstalkapp.com/version-control/git-on-windows.html
> Have you previously accessed github via SSH keys from command line?
> Check your SSH keys are configured properly...
>   https://help.github.com/articles/testing-your-ssh-connection/
> and if not, get that working first...
>   https://help.github.com/articles/connecting-to-github-with-ssh/

Thanks, I am using Windows and actually I can use other repositories.
Anyway I prefer to wait the Baseline :)

>> The install procedure did not downloaded the libsodium library.
> Whoops, missed that. I'll update the procedure.
> Also its about time I write my first Baseline.
>> I had to install it from loading Nacl.
>> Any particular difference with Nacl? From the dll in Nacl I can see
>> Bittrex functions are supported but appending a "256" in the function
>> prototype, i.e.: crypto_auth_hmacsha512256_keybytes ,
>> maybe you can add the functions to the Nacl repository?
>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~tonyg/Crypto-Nacl
> I tried Crpto-Nacl first.  This was my first time using Libsodium and
> it was difficult to find examples directly on the
> HMAC512 function I needed.  The sample C code I compiled as a test
> didn't match the function names
> exported from Crypto-Nacl so this confounded my trials. It was simple
> to FFI wrap the one Libsodium function I needed,
> so thats what I did.

Crypto-Nacl just provides the core operations, while sodium is a Nacl
fork which includes extra functions, which honestly I never need but
the library should work as well as they claim to be 100% compatible.

> The Configuration of Crypto-Nacl downloads a pre-compiled libsodium
> that exports different symbols to the system libsodium.

I didn't knew there was a system libsodium. I guess it is some lib
that is included in you OS by default.

> So IIUC its not a matter of just adding extra Smalltalk methods to the
> Crypto-Nacl.
> I don't know enough about Libsodium to understand the difference in
> function naming
> and I guess replacing it might break existing users ??

I will have a look, can you provide a link to the libsodium library
you are using?

>> Or you can use the URL's in ConfigurationOfNacl>>platformLibraryUrl to
>> download the library for each platform,
>> or integrate the download procedure in
>> https://github.com/hernanmd/MetacelloFileDownload
> good idea.  thx for the tip.
> cheers -ben
>> Cheers,
>> Hernán
>> 2018-01-13 16:07 GMT-03:00 Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com>:
>>> Thanks everyone who advised on Zinc, REST, NeoJSON, HMAC & Libsodium
>>> to help me on my way to implement an interface to the Bittrex bitcoin
>>> exchange.  I've got to the point where I'm happy to make an initial
>>> 0.x release.  After all my years having fun hacking around Pharo, this
>>> is my first (tiny) product. Hopefully it may grow. :)
>>> The implementation is probably closest to a Command pattern
>>> with a class per entry-point.  All the v1.1 entry points are
>>> implemented except a few to deposit & withdraw money from the
>>> exchange.  These are currently infrequent events for me and left for
>>> manual action.
>>> I'm optimistic that I'll add a few more exchanges so I created a
>>> github org to group them together.  Contributions welcome.
>>> Please see quick start instructions here...
>>> https://github.com/Traadh/bittrex
>>> Have fun and take care...
>>> https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/engineer_syllogism.png
>>> cheers -ben

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