Hi arturo

What you saw is the pipeline to produce book and others. Now I do not
think that you need it.
To export markdown you do not need the pillar configuration and the rest.
Check the chapter 6 in the publishing a booklet with pillar document.

You can just get your document using the Pillar parser.

| wiki doc |
wiki := '!My Document'.
doc := PRPillarParser parse: wiki

Or from a file:

      PRPillarParser parse: (FileSystem workingDirectory / 'foo.pillar')


You can also instantiate the document model, one node after the other,
start- ing with PRDocument and adding sub-instances of PRDocumentItem:

      | document title figure|

      document := PRDocument new.

      title := PRHeader new

         level: 1;

         add: (PRText content: 'foo');


      figure := PRFigure new

         add: (PRText content: 'Alias');

then to export in HTML you just ask the htmlWriter. So I think that
this is the same for markdown.

PRHTMLWriter write: document

Now pay attention because we are currently rewriting the pipeline of
document production in Pillar 70.
This is why this is not in master but in a specific branch.


On Sun, Feb 18, 2018 at 7:13 PM, Arturo Zambrano
<arturo.zambr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I figured it out (at least in part)
>       configuration := PRPillarConfiguration new.
>       configuration outputType: PRMarkdownWriter.
>       export:=PRExportPhase new .
>       export executeOn:
>   (PRCompilationContext withDocument: document withConfiguration:
> configuration)
> This code snipped generates a Json file which contains the markdown... how
> do I generate just the markdown?
> Arturo
> On Sun, Feb 18, 2018 at 2:16 PM, Arturo Zambrano <arturo.zambr...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   can someone please tell me how to export a document using pillar7?
>>  For pillar5  the example used to be:
>> configuration := PRPillarConfiguration new.
>> configuration outputType: PRHTMLWriter.
>> PRExportPhase executeOn: { document } with: configuration.
>> Thanks!

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