Thanks Markus.

I already saw an improvement when building drgeo against latest 32bits P7: drgeo image down to 39.9MB...

I use image cleaner plus some packages removal of my own[1], left over of the cleaning I was doing on P3. Many of my package cleaning of P4 break on P7. There is still place for improvement. I remembered doing  it one by on P3, keeping the safe one, then excluding the one breaking the image.

Now if there is a guide to try bootstrap without the need to hit the head on the door, I am interested to read it.



Le 05/03/2018 à 08:39, Marcus Denker a écrit :
I have put on my TODO:
        - do a pass on ImageCleaner Pharo6 and Pharo7
        - start to find duplicated code to not load anymore in the bootstrap 
             old compiler, inspector…).

Dr. Geo

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