Perfect! I have loaded the Merwan WAVParser project, that uses the
OpenAL library and it worked fine.

Best regards!

El 19/03/18 a las 16:32, Stephane Ducasse escribió:
> Yes we should migrate it and probably include it in Pharo and clean it.
> Stef
> On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 6:59 PM, Mariano Badoglio
> <> wrote:
>> Hi Stephean, Sean,
>> Thanks for your response. I have installed the Monticello Package
>> "Sound" from, the last
>> update is Sound-StephaneDucasse.80 package from year 2013. It is from
>> Pharo Extras. Is this the right package?
>> Best regards,
>> Mariano
>> El 17/03/18 a las 16:05, Stephane Ducasse escribió:
>>> Hi mariano
>>> did you try the sound package that is on Smalltalkhub/Pharo? or
>>> PharoExtras. We should migrate it to pharo 70
>>> Stef
>>> On Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 1:14 PM, Mariano Badoglio
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Hello!
>>>> I need to use the Pharo Sound over Ubuntu platform, but I couldn't get
>>>> it work. I tryied sending the parameter vm-sound-OSS and vm-sound-ALSA
>>>> to the vm but I get no results.
>>>> I am now trying to use the SDL Library. I could initialize the sound
>>>> SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO), very similar to initializing video, but when
>>>> trying to use the SDL_LoadWAV, it needs a SDL_AudioSpec data type and I
>>>> do not know how to do it. I tried to use an Structure as parameter but
>>>> with no result, I couldn't found any similar example to follow. I will
>>>> appreciate any help or tips on this.
>>>> Thanks in advance. Best regards,
>>>> Mariano.

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