In newer version of Amber the loading code changed significantly, as promises are used (best way to migrate old code is to actually created new project using `amber init` and only move the needed pieces (src/*.st files, .amd.json files, lists of packages in deploy.js / testing.js / devel.js / Gruntfile.js) to the new structure).

Also "searched in bower path" is wrong, paths are mapped differently, using .amd.json files (which I think are set correctly), but of course, `grunt devel` must be run at least once for mapping to happen (it is run as part of `amber init`, so new project is set up fine; but in case .amd.json files are changed, it should be rerun).

Herby wrote:
Hi Esteban,

after I got Amber running separately, I set up Tide according to
< >;

Everything went fine so far, but after the page loaded, Helios did not
pop. Blank page.

So I looked into the page source and, suspiciously, at line 18 I found


         function (smalltalk) {
             smalltalk.initialize({defaultAmdNamespace: 'tide'});

I searched for all required paths in the bower path, but could not find only 
the first two.

Can you kindly give me a hint how to proceed to get it running?

Kind regards,


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