Le 29/03/2018 à 23:13, Christophe Demarey a écrit :
> If you want to do so, you can instantiate a PhLJenkins2Server class:
>       PhLJenkins2Server name: ’Sean''s Jenkins' url: 'https://jenkins.mine' 
> asZnUrl
> Than add it to the groups class method of PhLTemplateGroupRepository.
> It should be enough.
> This mechanism is not good because everything is hardcoded. The list of 
> displayed sources of templates should be defined in a configuration file 
> instead so that it is easily customizable.


I also have a way to add a private Jenkins, but I need to clean it
before integrating it to the Pharo Launcher.

If someone needs the code before I clean it I can share it. Just contact me.

Cyril Ferlicot

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