
When I am writing tests using Mocketry's DSL, I get puzzled about how / when to use #where, and how is it different when it's used and when it is not?

As far as i tried, I did not find any difference. That is, pasting part of one of my tests:

        response := znClient
                username: (self uidy: 'Q7') asString, '/TEST' password: 'tk';
                timeout: 1; post; response.
        response should be isSuccess.
        response where contentType should equal: ZnMimeType applicationJson.
        response where entity should not be: nil.
        (STON fromString: response entity contents) should equal: nil

I get the same result (pass if ok, failure with DNU when thing is not present) whether `where` is there or isn't.

Could you explain what is it's purpose and correct usage?

Thanks, Herby

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