Tim Mackinnon wrote:
Hi - while I’ve been trying to troubleshoot my tonel build woes - I noticed something that might be a potential problem with baselines not loading the correctly specified version.

I was having no luck with GitHub:/repo references (see other thread on this), eg:

    baseline: 'WillowBootstrap'
       with: [ spec
          repository: 'github://ba-st/Willow-Bootstrap:v8/source';
          loads: #('Deployment') ];
    import: 'WillowBootstrap'.

So I tried using https equivalents like this:

    baseline: 'WillowBootstrap'
       with: [ spec

Did this actually work? Seems strange to me, as AFAICT 'https://...' urls are represented as mcz ones, not git ones.

          loads: #('Deployment') ];
    import: 'WillowBootstrap'.

But then I wasn’t sure if the newer version of the repository was what I was supposed to use and so I altered my spec to use /v8 (not v8.0.2)

    baseline: 'WillowBootstrap'
       with: [ spec
          loads: #('Deployment') ];
    import: 'WillowBootstrap'.

However when I was looking at the log files of errors, I noticed that when I downgraded my spec to v8 and reran my CI on a fresh image the error message still referenced v8.0.2 . As this was a run on my CI (which is preserving the pharo-cache directory between runs) this looked a lot to me like Iceberg/Metacello is not taking into account version numbers or repo urls when loading things from the file cache? When I blew away the pharo-cache and reran it - it then correctly showed me errors referencing v8 again.

Is this a known problem?


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