HilaireFernandes wrote
> Thanks Sven for the indications.
> Of course I already looked at this Test, but I got lost. I looked at it 
> again, and wrote something like:
>     | socket data | socket := Socket newUDP. socket setPort: 9999.
>     socket waitForConnectionFor: 2; waitForDataFor: 5 . data := Array
>     new: 100.     [socket receiveUDPDataInto: data.     data crLog]
>     ensure: [ 'Closing socket' crLog. socket closeAndDestroy]
> I do not have error, but a time out.
> Dr. Geo
> http://drgeo.eu

With UDP, there is no connection concept, so I'd reckon
waitForConnectionFor: is what gives you a TimeOut error...

Delete that, only use waitForDataFor: n , put it in a loop (so it won't stop
listening until it receives a request), and you should be fine.

Doesn't quite look like neither server nor client yet, the workflow should
be something like:
1) server (you) starts, listening to port you're using and waitsForData: in
an infinite loop.
2) client (student) starts, sends request to broadcast address/port, then
waitsForData: on the socket it created.
3) broadcast server reads request, generates reply, and sends it to the
originIP/port of the request
4) client receives reply, handles it, and closes socket.


PS. Why use nc when you already have a working broadcast client in pharo? ;)

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