Tim Mackinnon wrote
> Hi - I am interested in what the future holds with Iceberg for things like
> finding deleted classes or reverting to older versions of things.

Great question! It used to be in the Change Sorter that delections were
logged and reversible. At some point that stopped working and then I moved
to git so I don't know if it was ever fixed. Obviously, that only looks back
w/in the current image which doesn't fully solve your issue. The cool thing
about git is that we inherit all its functionality - the good and bad. So
iot got me wondering whether we could drop down to the command line for the
time being. After some googling and experimentation, I came up with the

    git log --full-history -- */{{className}}.class/properties.json

NB. I had to add the properties.json because directories don't work, but
that may not be needed with Tonel

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