On 18/06/2018 17:15, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
> Given Pharo Launcher is a bit in the limelight, I’m a bit nervous 
> contributing blindly. Can someone point me/advice me towards how to safely 
> push changes to StHub?
> As I mentioned, I’ve added a last-modified column as well as fixing the 
> broken status bar in PL (it looks like spec is a bit pernickety about nested 
> tables). 


Since there is stable version released, you can safely commit in the
StHub repository as long as you do not do a destructive actions such has
deleting a .mcz from StHub.

If the worst case, you will break the bleeding edge launcher, it will be
detected by a review or a bleeding edge user and the commit will be
either corrected or reverted.

I think stable versions are created from the versions defined in

> Tim

Cyril Ferlicot

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