On 22 June 2018 at 10:25, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:

>> > On 21 Jun 2018, at 22:42, Cyril Ferlicot D. <cyril.ferli...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Le 21/06/2018 à 23:18, Tim Mackinnon a écrit :
>> >> Hi
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> >
> > - is the order of browsers specified for any particular reason?
>> >>
>> >> I ask, because the 2 main one System and Playground should both be at
>> the top (in my opinion) but I’m wondering if its in some specific order?
>> >>
>> >
>> > By top you mean at the root of the menu or at the top of the Tool
>> submenu?
>> >
>> > If you mean at the root of the menu, then no for the menubar because it
>> > is a menubar and not a toolbar. But, it would be cool to get it back at
>> > the root of the WorldMenu but it need work to be able to define two
>> > different locations for menubar and world menu.
>> >
>> > If you mean at the top of the Tools submenu, then yes. The fact that
>> > Iceberg is before the playground is an error I think.
> On 22 June 2018 at 06:03, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
>> Hi Cyril (nice work on the menu by the way) - I was thinking in the Tools
>> menu they should both be at the top. For the world menu - I think maybe the
>> consistency is better - and for the advanced user they can learnt he
>> keyboard shortcuts?
> I've been meaning to provide some feedback on this, but been giving myself
> time to adapt first.
> Generally I like the direction this is heading, but I find I'm really
> missing the World-Menu > Save item.
> When I'm playing with deep parts of the system where mistakes are likely
> to break the Image, I use this often.
> Actually its not awkward so much that its an extra level down, but that
> "Save" is not at the top of its submenu.
> Now as this arrangement is new, and I guess will become locked in when
> Pharo 7 is released
> (at the risk of bike shedding) can we experiment a bit with the
> arrangement.
> I am finding that to open Browser and Playground I often accidentally go
> to "Pharo" item first,
> then correct myself to find them under "Tools".
> I'm not sure if I'm expecting Browser to be under the first menu, or
> expecting them under "Pharo".
> I think maybe the latter.  For me the tools *are* Pharo.
> So...
> * Maybe rename the current "Pharo" to "File"? Its a common paradigm in
> many application that the first top-level item is "File" with
> save/quit/etc. And after, "saving" is the act of freezing the Image into a
> file.
> * Rename current "Tools" to "Pharo" as the second top-level item.
> Here is an experiment for anyone to try...
> WorldState-class >> pharoItemsOn: aBuilder
>     (aBuilder item: #Pharo)
> +    label: 'File';
> -     icon: ((self iconNamed: #pharo) scaledToSize: 20 @ 20);
> +    icon: ((self iconNamed: #smallOpen) scaledToSize: 15 @ 15);
> (aBuilder item: #Save)
> +   order: 1
> (aBuilder item: #'Save as...')
> +   order: 2
> (aBuilder item: #saveAndQuit)
> +   order: 2 ; withSeparatorAfter
> (aBuilder item: #Quit)
> +  order: 9
> AbstractTool-class >> menuCommandOn:
> +    label: 'Pharo';
> +    icon: ((self iconNamed: #pharo) scaledToSize: 20 @ 20);
> SettingsBrowser-class >> menuCommandOn:
> + order: 5

A slight variation on top of above...

WorldState-class >> pharoItemsOn: aBuilder
    (aBuilder item: #Pharo)
-    label: 'File';
+   label: 'Image';

cheers -ben

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