
> On Jun 26, 2018, at 1:16 PM, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
> Hi guys - not sure how many people noticed this, but at the end of the 
> tutorial for gtDocumentor, there is a section on Examples as Documentation.

Thanks for going through the tutorial. Quick questions:
- how did it feel to go through it?
- did applying changes work fine for you?
- was there any confusion about what happened and where you were in the 
- anything missing that might have helped?

> What is neat (and easily missed) is how when an example references another - 
> there is a little triangle you can toggle to expose that example inline. (See 
> photo).
> This isn’t a completely new ideas (didn’t Newspeak hopscotch do this?) but 
> its very well done in gtDocumentor and this implication could be that if our 
> code editors had this too - then its very handy to unfold code to understand 
> it in one place without having to open new windows. (I still think there are 
> times when you may want to do that - particularly for long chains of 
> methods?) but its certainly an idea that I would be very receptive to having 
> in our code browsers (heck - give me all of gtDocumentor in our source 
> editors).

This actually a new take on the nature of an editor. Hopscotch did not allow 
expanding things inside the text editor. The editor was always a leaf, and it 
is so in all editors I have seen so far. In our case, the triangle is added 
live by the syntax highlighter. Right now, we only use it for navigating 
examples both because we needed to explore how we can make deeply nested 
examples simple to reason about, and because we wanted to validate the Bloc 

Of course, this ability is usable in many different ways. For example, the 
embedding in Pillar of various artifacts is done using the same mechanisms. And 
I think you will start seeing all sorts of applications in the UI area that you 
will simply not see in other places.

> I’m wondering what others thing of this? Perhpas not for Pharo 7 - but Pharo 
> 8 (pretty please?)
> Tim
> p.s. Note to @feenk, as its the last example its incredibly tricky to expand 
> it to actually see it well as you can’t scroll further down to then drag the 
> window bigger. I had to add a lot of Cr’s to make some space to do this.

Thanks. Indeed, the resizer solution you see now is just a first attempt 
without much polishing.


> <PastedGraphic-1.png>


"Problem solving efficiency grows with the abstractness level of problem 

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