I had time today to implement this.  The attached mczs, in pharo 6.1, allow
you to hit Cmd-i to inspect or cmd-d to do it.

You can test by loading the test package and typing in the spotter search

GTCounter increaseValue

then hitting Cmd-d several times then Cmd-i to see what value you ended on.

To implement I edited the GTSpotterMorph>>bindingDictionnary to look for and
act cmd-i and cmd-d


Paul DeBruicker wrote
> I was feeling lazy was wondered if it would be possible to hit Cmd-D or
> Cmd-I in the spotter input field rather than opening a playground and
> typing something in then hitting it.  E.g.
> 1 + 1  Cmd-I 
> would open an inspector on the number 2
> After looking at GTSpotter>>#spotterFor... methods I couldn't figure out
> how to make it happen in the half hour I had to spend on it.   
> I recognize opening the playground is Cmd-O Cmd-W but I just open the
> spotter ~50x as often as a new playground so the muscle memory isn't
> there.  If I could do quick one-liners in the spotter then the playground
> would get opened even less often.

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