Damien Pollet wrote on 8. 8. 2018 13:53:
First of all, quick stupid question: I'm currently loading my code with gitlocal://./src as the repository URL (my workflow starts in a terminal rather than in a Pharo image) Should I just remove the /src part, now that my repo has the project metadata?

Also, are more features planned for the .project file? E.g. what about storing a default selection for Calypso and the Test Runner in there?

On Wed, 8 Aug 2018 at 10:28, Norbert Hartl <norb...@hartl.name <mailto:norb...@hartl.name>> wrote:

    - I don’t think there can be a „standard way“ of defining source
    directory. And I don’t think that a tool should enforce this
    however. I keep frontend and backend code in some repositories
    together so the source is in my case in backend/source. What does it
    mean for users not using the „standard“ name?

Sure there can. Look at any ruby or maven project, they all have strong conventions for organizing projects and standard config files for deviating from those conventions. I would have preferred if Iceberg picked one convention (arbitrarily) in the absence of a .project file instead of forcing its explicit presence. IMHO the choice of default directory per se (be it ./, ./src, ./source or whatever) matters less than the fact that there is a convention in place.

    - I don’t see why there needs to be a 1:1 relationship between a
    repository and working copy in pharo. It is like this at the moment
    already but the .project file manifests this. So it should not be
    supported to have more source dirs in one git repo? It might be not
    a good idea that the client has to write the source dir but it opens
    the possibility that there can be more than one.

I see your point here, but by using separate source directories you're sort of creating a hydra project… What I mean here is that the source directories are separate, but their histories are tangled. If you want separate source dirs it kinda means that you want separate change histories, doesn't it? What if the same class has diverging definitions in separate directories (I wonder what maven does in that case…)?

There are monorepos. Some people / companies love them.

On the other hand, separate source directories would be helpful to work with git-subrepo and similar tools…

Damien Pollet
type less, do more [ | ] http://people.untyped.org/damien.pollet

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