> On 10 Aug 2018, at 23:16, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
> Actually I think I figured that bit out - a bit clumsily - (pointers 
> appreciated)
> createMissingClassActionFor: aMessage in: aContext
>       |errorNode senderContext newClass variableNode |
>       senderContext := aContext sender.
>       errorNode := senderContext method sourceNodeExecutedForPC: 
> senderContext pc. 
>       variableNode := errorNode receiver receiver.
>       newClass := OCUndeclaredVariableWarning new node: variableNode; 
> defineClass: variableNode name.
>       aContext restart.
> However that last line is wrong, as it doesn’t restart with my newly defined 
> class - I also tried
> aContext restartWithNewReceiver: newClass
> But again, I get a debugger where my class is still bound to nil. So what’s 
> the trick to re-evaluate with the new class I’ve created? Or maybe I’m 
> totally on the wrong track (still its very interesting…)

what is a bit bad is that you catch the problem “too late” (that is, the DNU to 
nil, not the read of nil), so nil is already pushed on the stack at this point.

I tried it in the inspector and at least the class binding was correct after 
defining the class… do you have an image with the whole code to try?


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