There is PharoSound package from the catalog browser that I see it has some
MIDI capabilities but I do not know if it will work for you. I have used
Pharo Sound to playback audio files but never for MIDI.

As Guillermo said, UFFI is your best bet. Of course first you need to find
out how its done in C depending on which library you use.

I have done something like this but not in Pharo but Python. I own an
Andromeda A6 , probably the most powerful pure analogue non modular synth
of all time and even though it has thousands of parameters one can control
via its 72 knobs and lcd interface it lacks multi point envelopes. So I
made this app in Python using PyGame that I could draw multi point
envelopes and the software would play them back as soon as I played a note.

Excuse the crappy GUI it was a very early draft but it worked none the less
to my surprise although MIDI proved too slow to allow for quick envelops of
rapid changes. So I had to abandon the project and move on. That was back
in 2010 , before I started using Pharo or became aware of the existence of

On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 2:34 PM Manuel Leuenberger <>

> Hi,
> I am currently investigating how to work with audio in Pharo, especially
> how to hook up Pharo to my synths or DAW using MIDI. I found that there is
> an old MIDI plugin for the VM, but apparently it has been discontinued due
> to OS changes (
> Is there
> any setup that works for MIDI IO on OSX using Pharo 6/6.1?
> Cheers,
> Manuel

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