
        on Ubuntu system with Pharo Launcher 1.3

        after create a new Pharo 7.0-64 bit ( development version )

        when i launch the images the system answer :

Cannot determine image version: image version file not found!
Try to run this command in a shell to get more information on the problem:
cd "/opt/pharolauncher/pharo-vm/lib/pharo/5.0-201805090836" && export 
"/opt/pharolauncher/pharo-vm/lib/pharo/5.0-201805090836/pharo" --nodisplay 
"/home/party/Pharo/images/Pharo 7.0 - 64bit (180926)-01/Pharo 7.0 - 64bit 
(180926)-01.image" eval "(Smalltalk imagePath asFileReference parent) / 
'pharo.version' writeStreamDo: [ :stream | |major minor|            major := 
SystemVersion current major.            minor := SystemVersion current minor.   
         (major = 6 and: [ SystemVersion current highestUpdate >= 60509 ])      
          ifTrue: [ minor := 1 ].            stream                 << major 
asString;             << minor asString ]"pha

        Thanks for considerations,


        P.S. In the same environment one hold  Pharo 7.0-64 bit ( development 
version ) image ran well with launch command

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