When I installed GTDocumenter into a clean P61 image it took a really long time 
(like 20+ mins), so it may be something you have to wait out.

It does beg the question why it takes so long? Actually all of our code loading 
is quite slow compared to other languages that load a lot more code. Not sure 
if if it’s ever been optimised ?


Sent from my iPhone

> On 28 Sep 2018, at 05:58, Hilaire <hila...@drgeo.eu> wrote:
>> Le 27/09/2018 à 16:52, Juraj Kubelka via Pharo-users a écrit :
>>> On Sep 27, 2018, at 10:41, Hilaire
>>> <hila...@drgeo.eu
>>> <mailto:hila...@drgeo.eu>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the tips. Where should be key in this text?
>> What do you mean? You can edit the text as you wish.
> Do not forget, what is obvious for one may not be for another. I could
> write a book full of anecdotes with obvious features in DrGeo not so
> obvious for a newbie.
> So you write this text in playground and inspect?
>> By evaluating and inspecting: 
>> -=-=-=-
>> GtDocumenter editorForText: 'This is a Dr. Geo tutorial. Evaluate the
>> following script:
>> [[[
>> "A Dr. Geo script that returns DrGeo canvas” 
>> ]]]
>> Extensions are done using ==<gtView>== pragmas.
>> '
>> -=-=-=-
>> I have a text editor in an inspector where I can edit the Documenter
>> content. 
>> Do you have the same?
> No, never saw that. I installed from:
> Metacello new
>    baseline: 'GToolkit';
>    repository: 'github://feenkcom/gtoolkit/src';
>    load.
>>> I went installing DrGeo along Documenter in P6.1, but it is stalled when
>>> installing XML dependecies (a bit old, true).
>>> Conflict with XML? or Issue with DrGeo on P6.1, may be both.
>> How can I install DrGeo? I do not see a Monticello script on the
>> DrGeo.eu <http://DrGeo.eu> web page.
> I am afraid it is a bit tedious at first as it is not github based, but
> Launchpad.
> Read INSTALL file for full instruction:
> https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~drgeo-developers/drgeo/trunk/view/head:/src/INSTALL
>>> This is so fragile.
>> Keep in mind that GToolkit, including Documenter, is in alpha version.
> I did not have GToolkit in mind when I wrote fragile, more likely the
> whole Smalltalk things. As I wrote in my previous email, my issue was
> when installing DrGeo on a P6.1 image with GToolkit already installed. I
> am not sure about why the process was hanging when installing XML's Dr.
> Geo requirement. The image is then frozen
>  Ok may be I can't install DrGeo on P6.1, I still have error
> (screenshot). In the other I failed to installing GToolkit on P7.
> Hilaire
> -- 
> Dr. Geo
> http://drgeo.eu
> <Capture du 2018-09-27 19-48-36.png>

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