By the way, after looking at password hashing algorithms and what the experts
say about them, I've decided to implement an interface to the Argon2 library
(see for a whitepaper). The
algorithm is designed to be far more resistant against cracking than md5 or
sha-based algorithms and even bcrypt.

The interface is designed to be very easy to use. In the simplest case
(without tuning the algorithm's parameters) password hashing is performed
like this:
    hashedPassword := Argon2 new randomizeSalt: 16; hashPassword:
verifying that a user has given the correct password:
    ok := Argon2 new verifyPassword: enteredPassword hash: hashedPassword.

Find the code at Currently it only
has library names for 32-bit and 64-bit Linux - if someone adds MacOSX and
Windows support I would merge that.
Sorry I don't yet know how to use Metacello or other mechanisms to load it
into an image with a few lines of code.


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