I found a related problem which indicates that the depreciation of
StandardFileStream in favor of File is incomplete and probably premature:

When a ZipArchive is written, in 7.0 it uses
        (File named: aFileName)
                writeStreamDo: [...]
In 6.1, it uses
                forceNewFileNamed: aFileName
                do: [...]
which is a small but significant difference leading to corrupted zip
archives when overwriting existing files. File does not have equivalent
protocol to #forceNewFileNamed... so it is pretty likely that there are more
bugs creeping there. Upon a cursory inspection I see that for example
FLFileStreamStrategy will suffer from the same problem when writing to
existing files.

Is there any documentation on the reasoning of depreciating
StandardFileStream and who is working on this? I'm really new to pharo
development... Submitting "patches" without knowing the original design
rationale seems not very productive.


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