PS: converting the result of MD5 hashMessage: to hex is a total waste of
Just ask:
 - is the first byte zero?
 - is the second byte zero?
 - is the third byte less than 16?

On Thu, 13 Dec 2018 at 00:07, Richard O'Keefe <> wrote:

> This is the puzzle where you have to find the smallest integer such that
> '<some salt>' , (that integer) printString has an MD5 hash beginning with
> 5 hexadecimal zeros?
> Brute force is just fine.  Calling libnettle's MD5 functions from a C
> program, it found the right answer in under 0.2 seconds on a cheap laptop.
> If using the MD5 class in Pharo doesn't take a reasonable time, you may
> find that (MD5 isPluginAvailable) is false.  On my cheap laptop, the
> obvious code took 30 seconds to find the right answer, which surely means
> that the plugin is *not* available.  But there is absolutely no point in
> looking for anything faster.
> So,
>   (0 to: 1000000) findFirst: [:n | |digest|
>     digest := MD5 hashMessage: 'YOUR SALT GOES HERE' , n printString.
>     ... bytes begins with 00000 ...]
> Linear search.
>   Compute string.
>   Compute its MD5 hash.
>   Check the result.
> The only time-consuming thing was browsing the MD5 class (and its
> superclass HashFunction) to figure out the interface.
> Now it *could* have turned out to be too slow to be useful, in which
> case another strategy would have been needed.  But it didn't.
> (I started with a rather smaller bound to get an idea of how fast it
> was, and it was fast enough.)
> On Mon, 10 Dec 2018 at 00:30, Roelof Wobben <> wrote:
>> Helllo,
>> a question about day4 of 2015
>> is it right that I can only solve this bruteforece
>> so begin at for example 1 , encode it, check for 5 zeros if found then I
>> have found it otherwise increase the counter and do it again
>> Regards,
>> Roelof

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