On Thu, 13 Dec 2018 at 00:27, horrido <horrido.hobb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Okay, I managed to hack together a solution from the example. It's not
> pretty
> but it seems to work. I needed to remain within the Teapot framework.
> However, I have a question regarding the ZnEntityTooLarge exception. How
> can
> I capture it and resume execution? The exception seems to occur before my
> POST handler is called.

I'm not familiar with that exception, but in general you can wrap code like

    [  do stuff ] on: ZnEntityTooLarge do: [ :ex | fix stuff. ex resume ]

cheers -ben

P.S. The exception should open a debugger where the exception was signaled,
and that should be all you need to identify what code you need to wrap,
but if for some exotic reason you really want to know where the
ZnEntityTooLarge is created,
add ZnEntityTooLarge>>initialize that does "self haltOnce"

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