
> On 4 Feb 2019, at 05:29, Paul DeBruicker <pdebr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Cyril.  
> For those projects I don't own/maintain that are stored in MCZ files is
> there a way to see who authored the method?  Or is Iceberg + git-blame the
> only way to go now? 

Those will show the ts/author as before.

> If git-blame is the only way is there a way to have all the repos an image
> uses brought under git so I can git-blame everything automatically?

Answered below :)

>  Without
> having to do anything by hand when a package is loaded, I mean.   And also a
> way to see that info right next to the code pane without having to click
> anything?  Also hopefully senders/implementors count?

I do not understand this… but I think is not related to iceberg but calypso, 
If is calypso, and what you ask is to have the references available (for 
example in another tab) this is not there but is easy to implement. In fact, I 
remember an iteration of calypso that had them, and I think the reason while is 
gone is that It becomes kind of a pain in large images (but now we have real 
lazy tabs so we could review that decision).

> When I read code I skim code written by other people (especially people with
> more experience with the domain, like your MDL package) and assume it's more
> correct because they've published it.  And more critically review what I've
> written in/against those packages.
> Without the author and timestamp visible next to the method code pane it is
> harder to know whether I should trust or be more skeptical of the method.

In Pharo this was always after a click. 
It is still now always after a click.

> I don't always remember which parts I wrote and which parts someone else
> wrote. 

Same. A click will tell you :)


> Paul
> CyrilFerlicot wrote
>> On Sun 3 Feb 2019 at 22:02, PAUL DEBRUICKER &lt;
>> pdebruic@
>> &gt; wrote:
>>> Hi -
>>> How can I see who wrote a method and when they wrote it in Calypso?
>> Hello,
>> You need to add Calypso to Iceberg and have a locale clone linked. Then an
>> « history » button will appear in Calypso whose info are extracted via git
>> blame feature of git.
>>> In Nautilus it was the AnnotationPane plugin IIRC.
>>> Thanks
>>> Paul
>>> --
>> Cyril Ferlicot
>> https://ferlicot.fr
> --
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