Good morning,
 Last week I had a problem with a conflicting version of libgit installed
by brew. In my case, brew had updated the version making it incompatible
with the bindings in FFi.

Could you check the execution of:

./pharo-vm/ Pharo.image

So we can see the libgit that is loading. This can be fixed in the image
side, I remember I fixed a bug in the lookup of libgit.

On Thu, 14 Feb 2019, 09:09 Hilaire < wrote:

> Hi,
> Where is it possible to get a working OS X VM for Pharo7 ?
> Accoring to my test, the VM linked at as error
> with a libgit plugin (same for linux VM btw)
> Thanks
> Hilaire
> --
> Dr. Geo

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