Hi Cedrick,

> Le 9 mars 2019 à 10:10, Cédrick Béler <cdric...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi,
> I tried a bit more to make DrGeo bundle works.
> I have Mojave (10.14) and the problem of corrupted files seems to come from 
> Gatekeeper with prevent unsigned applications (from unknot developper) to 
> open.
> Gatekeeper can be temporary stopped and then the bundle work, even when 
> Gatekeeper is reactivated. But clearly, this is not a friendly user way of 
> installing DrGeo.
> So I guess the actual (old ?) bundle procedure doesn’t fit Apple politic on 
> application security. I'm pretty sure PharoLauncher faced this already.


> So my question is:
> - how to make a signed bundle for OSX ?


> — do we need a real developer account ? I’ve a free one and access to a paid 
> one. Can we do it with a general « pharaoh » account like for Pharo-Launcher ?

yes, you need a (paid) developper account.

I do not know if a general account for apps developed in Pharo is a good idea 
because it means that the reputation of all apps signed with the same 
certificate is shared, i.e. a security problem in one app will impact all other 
apps signed with the same certificate. It has to be discussed with people 
interested in it.


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