On Sat, 16 Mar 2019 at 04:21, Roelof Wobben <r.wob...@home.nl> wrote:

> Hello,
> I try to parse a json that differs some times
> after parsing with neojson I see something like this
> "an Array(a Dictionary('height'->3640 'name'->'z0' 'tiles'->an Array(a 
> Dictionary('url'->'http://lh3...TItQ4wwXk80sCHkqSS3JgTgmehYP-OItkO4hMwqH1agr-LfNRnxUCRSJKc_VQ=s0'
>  'x'->0 'y'->0 )) 'width'->404 ))"
> is there a way I can filter out a dictonary where the name is equal to z4
Because of cultural differences, I'm not sure by "filter out" whether you
mean include or exclude
but when filtering any collection type, #select: #detect and #reject: are
you main go to messages.
If you inspect your dictionary and on the meta tab filter for
you'll find #associationsSelect:
which works like this...

d := Dictionary newFromPairs: #( 1 2 3 4 5 6 ).
d associationsSelect: [ :asn | (asn key = 1) and: (asn value = 2) ]
d inspect. ==> Dictionary [1 item] (1->2 )

I notice there is not a similar #associationsReject:
so if needed you could add your own considering...
d := Dictionary newFromPairs: #( 1 2 3 4 5 6 ).
d associations select: [ :asn | (asn key = 1) and: (asn value = 2) ]
d inspect. ==> Array [1 item] (1->2)

d := Dictionary newFromPairs: #( 1 2 3 4 5 6 ).
d associations reject: [ :asn | (asn key = 1) and: (asn value = 2) ]
d inspect. ==> Array [2 items] (5->6 3->4)

cheers -ben

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