I was asked a question about starting pharo exercism from the command line on 
Arch linux - seems the Pharo.image file isn’t being found (but it was installed 
with AUR, which I am unfamiliar with).

Anyway - I tried using the command line on OSX ( I noticed they had used pharo, 
and not pharo-ui — which I never understood: why is it not pharo for ui and 
pharo-cmd for terminal, as it burns most people?) - and typed “pharo —help”, 
and you get an impressive long list of commands - however it doesn’t show you 
the useful Image commands anymore? So you would never know to use “pharo 
Pharo.image —list”.

 A while back it showed you that - but its now gone which seems a shame?

I also notice at the bottom of the list, its says the the image name defaults 
to Pharo.image - however I haven’t noticed that works at all - you have to 
specify an image, so thats a bit misleading.


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