Hello everyone!

This is an important update about the development of Spec.

As you might have heard, we are working on Spec to release a new
version in Pharo 8. One goal is to unify all Pharo interfaces behind
one GUI framework and a second goal is to allow multiple back-ends
(Morphic but also GTK, Bloc, ...). To reach those goals we have been
updating the current version of Spec. We see now, however, that
updating Spec directly creates troubles with migration. For example,
we currently have a lot of deprecation warnings in Iceberg, because we
can't update it without breaking Pharo 7 compatibility.

After some discussions between the engineers working on Spec, here is
our plan to improve the situation: We will copy all classes of Spec
and rename them with the "Sp" prefix. (We will also ensure that every
class of Spec started with the same prefix for consistency). For
extensions methods, we will rename them to have a version different
from Spec 1 (The spec from Pharo 7). Once done we will integrate this
new version in Pharo 8. From there we will wait some weeks to let
users who started to use the updated Spec change their projects to use
this new Spec2. Finally, we will revert all changes that happened on
Spec 1 and deprecate the packages. We hope this will make things
easier for everyone.

Have a nice day!

Cyril Ferlicot

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