Le 16/07/2019 à 23:05, Christopher Fuhrman a écrit :
> Very cool! I think the quickstart section would benefit from an example
> such as loading icons or a test resource (mse file for moose). 

I'll add it to my todo ;)

> Also, can you explain how updating a Readme.md would work using
> GitBridge? I assume it would be modified with a text editor in Pharo
> then Iceberg will see the changes to commit them? Sorry if I'm reading
> too much into it.

Well, you can manipulate it as any other file reference and change the
content then use the API of Iceberg to commit it but there is no GUI
currently in Iceberg to manage external files.

But my usecase was more the other way around. Instead of editing files
in Pharo I wanted to edit files outside Pharo but still have my
application using those files. In a web application I serve the files
stored in my git repository via Zinc, referencing them via my bridge,
and I edit them outside Pharo instead of editing string containing the
files in Pharo. My goal was to benefit from the tools managing better
the CSS/JS/Markdown than Pharo.


Cyril Ferlicot

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