On Thu, 15 Aug 2019 at 09:37, Steve Quezadas <steve...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Forgive the naive question here. But if an object gets deprecated, how do
> you find the closest replacement object in Pharo? Is there a way to do it
> within the VM or do you just have to check the documentation?

Hi Steve,

First I just like to check the language you're using.  The usual discussion
I see about deprecation relates to "classes" that define the objects rather
than the "objects" themselves.
Do you mean "if a class gets deprecated?"

Also the "VM" is compiled with a C-compiler (gcc or clang) and not code
that most Pharo users will ever look at.
Different to other languages (e.g. Java), the Pharo VM contains only
low-level routines for memory-manipulation, bytecode-execution and a few
primitives for interfacing different operating systems libraries.
90% of Pharo library code is stored "within the Image" that runs on top of
the VM.

So if you want to find the replacement for SomeDeprecatedClass that your
application is using,
a bit of investigation in the old Image should be able to discover places
its being used in the default Pharo libraries,
the look at those same places in the latest Image and see which class they
are now using.
Two useful tools for that in SystemBrowser are:
  1. Right-click a class and choose "Analyse > Class refs"
  2. Right-click a method and choose "Senders"

Pharo also has some facilities for creation of deprecation-rules to
automatically identify deprecation-use by your code and suggest the
Whether those have been written for the particular thing you are interested
in is another question.
Do you have a particular class or method in mind? And which versions of
Pharo are you considering?

cheers -ben

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