
> I don’t know if there is support for that (I don’t have the time to check it in detail now).
> But, as a workaround, you may try
 > - return a void*
 >  myFunction
 >    ^self ffiCall: #(void* myFunction ( void ) )
> - and then do the transformation yourself using Win32WideString>>#fromHandle:

I checked, Win32WideString class>>#asExternalTypeOn: is defined, and it creates FFIExternalObjectType(Win32WideString) nicely with

^self ffiCall: #(Win32WideString myFunction ( void ) )

I also tried the other approach:

^self ffiCall: #(void* myFunction ( void ) )

and the transformation Win32WideString>>#fromHandle

Interestingly, in both cases I get

however I cannot pinpoint the reason for this.

> What you are discovering here would be very useful as a section/chapter in
> the uFFI booklet.

Thanks for the invitation, yes, it would be nice to participate, I'll try to prepare something when I get to the bottom of the challenge :-)

Thanks and best wishes,

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