Metacello new 
   baseline: 'PharoJS';
   repository: 'github://bouraqadi/PharoJS';


This is the officiel way of loading PharoJS as stated in Github and <> .

It should work just fine but ONLY with Pharo 7.


I got the above baseline to load into Pharo 7.0 on Ubuntu, which is running
in a Virtual Box VM, which, in turn, has its own little speed problems
compounding those of Pharo.


I'll try to reinstall Launcher on Windows at some location closer to the
root.  I don't think this is the problem. I've done the registry tweak to
remove the 260-character limit on file names.



On 6 Oct 2019, at 14:49, Shaping <
<> > wrote:



Can someone explain exactly how to install the latest version of PharoJS,
and verify that the proedure really works?

I've tried:

1) cloning the PharoJS repo in Pharo 8.0 with Iceberg, and get a Not Loaded
final state for the repo.
2) loading into Pharo 7, 6.1, and 5 using

Metacello new 
   baseline: 'PharoJS';
   repository: 'github://bouraqadi/PharoJS';

All tries fail with a walkback.

3) loading into Pharo 4.0 using

Gofer it
smalltalkhubUser: 'noury' project: 'PharoJS';
addPackage: #ConfigurationOfPharoJS ;

The walkback here mentions missing dependency RBGlobalNode.

Suggestions are welcome.  




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