> On 7 Oct 2019, at 15:41, Shaping <shap...@uurda.org> wrote:
> On 7 Oct 2019, at 05:12, Shaping <shap...@uurda.org 
> <mailto:shap...@uurda.org>> wrote:
> How does PharoJS deal with the JS reuse issue?   There are lots of JS widgets 
> out there that we would just like to use, but we don’t want to read JS if we 
> don’t have to.  There are many wheels to reinvent, or at least recode in DSL, 
> if I understand the PharoJS scheme correctly, but I may not.
> PharoJS allows to reuse existing JS libraries.
> Just reference constructors as you reference Pharo classes.
> Below is a link to an example, where we reuse the physics engine MatterJS
> https://pharojs.github.io/Demos/MatterJsDemo/ 
> <https://pharojs.github.io/Demos/MatterJsDemo/>
> Hi Noury.
> Are you saying that none of the JS was manually written or that some of it 
> was and the rest is coming from an imported library.   I’m looking at the 
> page in Chrome dev tools now.   
Exactly. That's the whole point of having PharoJS :-)
The HTML file imports 2 js file. One is the MatterJS library, and the other is 
generated by PharoJS


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