Dear all,

Going through the remaining red tests in PharoADO + Glorp, I have a sort of
a conceptual challenge. Some of the Glorp tests are checking the equality of
dates written to and then returned from the database. Pharo regards the
dates as not equal if their time offsets are different despite the fact that
the date (in a narrow sense) is the same. For instance:


is not equal to


The challenge is that the ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) library that I'm using
returnes the dates in Variants which don't have any information about the
offset. The conversion from ADO variants to Pharo's Date is done in PharoCOM

What would be the best approach to somehow ignore the missing offset or
impute a proper value? Of course it's better to ignore a missing data than
to impute a wrong value. How is this handled with other DB systems?


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