The problem is that the underlying premise of my article would be undermined.
Our grandparents had nothing like the Tesla.

I used Maserati because it's an /aspirational/ car. Not practical. Not
cheap. But droolworthy.

Nobody dreams of owning a Tesla. But Maserati? Bugatti? Porsche? Aston
Martin? You bet!

tbrunz wrote
> Richard!  Smalltalk is /the electric car of development systems/!
> You need to lead with an image of a *Tesla Model S*, not a Maserati!  
> What do most people associate with Italian sports cars?  Expensive,
> impractical, temperamental, always in need of (expensive) maintenance,
> etc.
> Smalltalk is none of these things...  Inexpensive, more practical than
> most
> people imagine, robust and resilient, minimal maintenance, etc.  It's more
> like a trusty sports utility vehicle -- so maybe an image of a Tesla Model
> X
> (or Y) fits even better.
> Another way Smalltalk is like an e-car: Electric cars extremely popular
> when
> automobiles were new, fell out of favor, are today misunderstood by the
> majority, but are being "rediscovered" and found to better in almost every
> way compared to "what's popular" (ICE vehicles).  Those who drive them
> just
> LOVE them, and so the stage is set for the rEVolution: the renaissance of
> electric cars.
> And so it is for Smalltalk.  
> tl;dr:  Smalltalk:e-cars::Pharo:Tesla
> --
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