Hi Ramón,

I have a couple of questions. If you are using OSProcess in Pharo 8, how
are you installing it and from what repository? If I add the Squeaksource
version, I do not have the method that you are referencing.

Additionally, it would be good to see an example of this in OSSubprocess.
Using the latest Baseline installation instructions for it from Github, and
from reading the instructions, I don't see a clear way to do this. The
documentation claims that you can redirect the stdin to any file or
readstream, but the new ZnStreams in P7/P8 DNU on #isOssPipe and
StandardFileStream (for which OSSubprocess was designed, evidently) is
being deprecated.

If anyone reading has a good concise example of running a subprocess
command with input from a stream (or string), that would be very useful.

On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 5:24 PM Ramon Leon <ramon.l...@allresnet.com> wrote:

> On 2020-03-24 10:51 a.m., Tim Mackinnon wrote:
> > Hi guys - do we have a simple markdown parser that is reasonably up to
> date?
> What's wrong with the real markdown itself? I've used the original
> Markdown.pl implementation for years same as I would any other shell
> script, via OSProcess
> markdown: someContent
>    ^UnixProcess pipeString: someContent throughCommand: (FileDirectory
> default fullPathFor: 'Markdown.pl')
> --
> Ramón León


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