
I’m playing with compiler with scripts. For instance:

result := OpalCompiler new
                source: ‘3 + 1';

result2 := OpalCompiler new
                source: 'self + 1';
                receiver: 3;

I would eventually (as an exercice) try to log the time before and after the 
execution of the script.

Its possible to send #logged: true; to the compiler which basically is able to 
log doIt through SystemPresenter.

        self compilationContext logged ifFalse: [ ^self ].
        Smalltalk globals 
                        at: #SystemAnnouncer 
                        ifPresent: [ :sysAnn | 
                                sysAnn uniqueInstance evaluated: source 
contents context: context ].

Right now, it seems the logging mechanism is launched once the evaluation is 

So my question is would it be possible to log start and ent time execution 
through the compiler.

        "Compiles the sourceStream into a parse tree, then generates code into
         a method. If aContext is not nil, the text can refer to temporaries in 
         context (the Debugger uses this). If aRequestor is not nil, then it 
will receive
         a notify:at: message before the attempt to evaluate is aborted. 
Finally, the 
         compiled method is invoked from here via withArgs:executeMethod:, hence
         the system no longer creates Doit method litter on errors."

        | value |
        self noPattern: true.
        self getSourceFromRequestorSelection.
        self class: (context ifNil: [ receiver class ] ifNotNil: [ context 
method methodClass ]).
=> here a kind of sell startLog.
        "code execution" 
        value := receiver withArgs: (context ifNil: [ #() ] ifNotNil: [ 
{context} ]) executeMethod: self compile.
"actual log call…. Only for doIt ?"
        self logDoIt.
        ^ value

I wonder what would be the way of doing it ? Is it only for doIts ? 

Start/endLog could be calling log options #(logDoIt, logWhatever, …) ? Maybe 
doing ScriptEvaluated to differ from ExpressionEvaluated would be the solution ?
I imagine this has impact on performance too...  

My toy objective is to log statistic of scripts usage. Again this is just 
experiments, so happy to hear and learn from others. How would people do ?


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