Excellent Torsten!

I guess it will not work in Pharo 8 because of the Spec 2 requirement. Right?


Esteban A. Maringolo

On Sat, May 2, 2020 at 5:35 PM Torsten Bergmann <asta...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> time flows and Pharo-Project is improving on all ends since its inception in 
> 2008. As you know over time for the code project hosting we used
> SqueakSource, SS3 repos and other and later switched to SmalltalkHub 
> available on http://smalltalkhub.com.
> Starting with Iceberg in Pharo 6 many community projects are now hosted 
> elsewhere - most of them moved to GitHub. Pharo's git support allows
> also for GitLab, BitBucket and other git hosting services.
> I still think easy and quick accessibility to external (re)sources directly 
> from the image is key - especially for new users who often get lost
> among all the various things that are available. Back in 2013 I therefore 
> provided a small tool called ConfigBrowser as a replacement for
> MetacelloConfigurationBrowser to easily load Metacello configs directly into 
> Pharo.
> Later we improved quick loading with a primary tool called "Catalog" written 
> by Esteban. Catalog is indexing every 24 hours all configs within
> specific meta-repositories on SmalltalkHub (per Pharo version) like
>   http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Pharo/MetaRepoForPharo80
> to automatically build
>    http://catalog.pharo.org/
> and also a JSON source
>    http://catalog.pharo.org/catalog/json
> The last one feeds the catalog browser and catalog spotter search within the 
> Pharo image.
> So Catalog helped us and especially new Pharo users to find what is available 
> as external project or package. Unfortunately some package maintainers
> are too lazy and do not maintain their configs over old and new Pharo 
> versions. Also SmalltalkHub.com is now seen as legacy and will only be 
> available
> in a read only mode or as a browseable archive soon.
> So we have to think about others steps beyond Catalog and (triggered by a 
> recent discussion on Discord) I started now a simple tool that helped me
> finding all GitHub projects marked with "pharo" as GitHub topic. I 
> additionally also added previous catalog loading. More sources could be added
> as well as some kind of custom stores/plugins. Maybe this tool could be the 
> base for a future replacement of the catalog tool.
> Long story short - let me introduce "Pharo Compendium":
> Compendium is a new UI tool to list, browse and load Pharo artefacts from the 
> web like:
>  - GitHub Projects
>  - Catalog Projects
> and other
> By default there are two plugin packages available for GitHub and Catalog - 
> but you can implement own ones easily to connect to other sources
> on the web. Compendium is available on:
>    https://github.com/astares/Pharo-Compendium
> It is implemented using the new Spec2 UI framework - so you need a recent 
> Pharo 9 image to give it a try. Just run:
>     Metacello new
>         repository: 'github://astares/Pharo-Compendium/src';
>         baseline: 'Compendium';
>         load
> to load the tool. Then go to "Tools" -> "Compendium Browser". Attached is a 
> screenshot demoing the primary functionality.
> If you want your GitHub project to be listed in the tool you simply need to 
> add the topic "pharo" to the GitHub repository on the GitHub webpage.
> Feel free to comment or help improving the tool by sending PR's.
> Thx
> T. (aka astares)

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