>> PS: btw Sven, we (with a group of students did a naive and simple url 
>> shortener that would fit nicely to default zinc demos ;-)
>> Here is the script for accessing registered urls (sweet):
>> server := (ZnServer startDefaultOn: 9999)
>>   onRequestRespond: [ :request |  | key |
>>       key := request requestLine uri segments last.
>>       dataBase at: key
>>            ifPresent: [:val |  ZnResponse redirect: val ]   
>>            ifAbsent: [ZnResponse badRequest: request].
>>      ].
> Yes, that does look nice: it is very concise.

Yes, the concise code was what I liked and this is because of your design. 

I was doing it live with students in something like 10 minutes… so thanks for 
making me feel like a magician to them ;-)

> I would like to see the whole code, any pointers ?

We finish the project in two weeks time, so I’ll send the resulting code. We 
need to do the shortUrl registration page.
Basically, for now, this code snippet only need : dataBase := 
(Ordered)Dictionary new.

I want to keep it concise. One objective is keeping the dictionary  (dataBase) 
size controlled as it’s intended to be a demo app. 

I’m thinking of limiting this size (dataBase) to  n entries (100, 1000 ?). 
There could be eventually be an option to grow the size (but by validation).

Another objective (but they won’t do it if I don’t do it myself) is to keep 
track of the history of clicked url for statistic purposes (probably one of 
next semester projet ^^).

It’s kind of a very nice and simple example to show students client/server 
concepts, hashing techniques, QRcode usage (short-url are a must-have for 
them), etc… and so concise in Pharo… probably a good candidate too for the 

I’ll keep you informed - maybe by PR as I finally start to get my head around 
git :)


> Sven
>>> Le 12 mai 2020 à 10:06, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> So here is a little anecdote from the real world. I was planning to update 
>>> the OS on my Linux server, from Ubuntu 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS (Long Term 
>>> Support). This small (Digital Ocean, 1GB RAM, 1 Core) cloud server runs 3 
>>> Pharo images with public facing web sites.
>>> The machine itself reports:
>>> $ uptime
>>> 12:37:50 up 530 days, 21:46,  1 user,  load average: 0.02, 0.04, 0.01
>>> which means it hasn't been powered down or didn't restart in 530 days.
>>> I was surprised to discover that 2 of the Pharo images on that machine did 
>>> just as well:
>>> $ ./repl.sh 
>>> Connecting to Telnet REPL at locahost:41011
>>> Trying
>>> Connected to localhost.
>>> Escape character is '^]'.
>>> Neo Console 
>>> Pharo-7.0+alpha.build.660.sha.2eb9bd2f41e7b0bd8f9f4190906910f83c178ab1 (32 
>>> Bit)
>>> pharo> get system.uptime
>>> 405 days 20 hours 29 minutes
>>> pharo> quit
>>> Bye!
>>> $ ./repl.sh 
>>> Connecting to Telnet REPL at locahost:41001
>>> Trying
>>> Connected to localhost.
>>> Escape character is '^]'.
>>> Neo Console Pharo4.0 of 18 March 2013 update 40620
>>>> get system.uptime
>>> 530 days 21 hours 44 minutes
>>>> quit
>>> Bye!
>>> So both Pharo 7 and Pharo 4 kept on doing their jobs for a very long time. 
>>> I think this is a testament to the stability of Pharo and to what is 
>>> possible.
>>> Regards,
>>> Sven
>>> --
>>> Sven Van Caekenberghe
>>> Proudly supporting Pharo
>>> http://pharo.org
>>> http://association.pharo.org
>>> http://consortium.pharo.org

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