Dear all,

I'm playing with Willow and found it very useful for setting the web design, however, I have some challenges with understanding the interaction affordances. They are nicely described in the documentation - although somewhat cryptic. For instance, I cannot successfully set up the #setValueTo:thenTriggerChangeOf: "directly" on the TextField like in this example, where I'd like to set the text of aText to 'Some other text' after the button aButton is clicked:

renderContentOn: html
    | aText aButton |
    aText := self componentSupplier
        singleLineTextFieldApplying: [ :theField | ].

    aText changeContentsTo: 'Some text'.

    aButton := self componentSupplier
asynchronicButtonLabeled: 'Click me' applying: [ :theButton | ].

aButton onTrigger setValueTo: 'Some other text' thenTriggerChangeOf: aText.

The web browser reports 500 Internal server error with The identifier was never assigned.

It is mentioned in the docs that IdentifiedWebView should be used to guarantee the id, however I cannot get it to work.

As I understand, #serialize; #setValueTo: can be used instead of #serialize; #evaluate: ; #render affordances to get the data from the browser, inspect it and sending it back to the browser - or should #determineBehaviorByEvaluating always be used for that purpose?


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