On Sun, 17 May 2020 at 20:54, ASAM <vmax28...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the tips. It really helped me a lot.
> The dll is now loaded (I chose the 64-bit version of the dll).
> I am currently working on value mashalling and I want to create an ENUM
> class subclass from FFIEnumeration.
> Inside http://books.pharo.org/booklet-uffi/pdf/2020-02-12-uFFI-V1.0.1  i
> read chapter 4.4  Enumerations.
> I tried the example.
> For me, however, only new class variables are created after
> "ExampleEnumeration initialize".
> Is that okay? or a bug?

The class-side #initialization method only gets called when the class is
created e.g. when first loaded into a fresh image.
It doesn't get re-run just because you edit the method, because the class
is already initialized.
By analogy, evaluating ``x := MyObject new`` invokes the instance-side
initialize when the object is created.
Subsequently editing MyObject >> #initialize wont change any values in the
existing object in `x`.
Remember "classes are objects too".

cheers -ben

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