Hello Ben, 

I quickly made a dummy DLL to limit the problem to the essentials.

I think my problem comes more from how I use the semaphore.

I wanted to do that: 

only "semaphore signal",
But that somehow doesn't work.
Now i'm doing that "[ Processor yield. semaphore signal ] fork" (it work's)
but i don't know if that's a good idea.

        ^ FFICallback signature: #( void #( uint32 foo ) ) block: [ :foo | 
                          show: 'API Funktion value: ' , foo asString, ' 
                          Processor activePriority asString; cr.
                        "that's working"
                  [ Processor yield. semaphore signal ] fork. 
                  "that usually works 80%."
                  "[ semaphore signal ] fork"
                  "that crashes pharo almost always."
                  "semaphore signal"  

I also have a little problem, too. Why can I use my own C-Type UNUM32 at
...self ffiCall: #( T_ERROR StartMyThreadFunction(UNUM32 millisecondsToFire)
But with FFICallback signature: # (void # (uint32 foo)) I get an error
"Unable to resolve external type: UNUM32. Why is that?

Thanks for your help.

UFFICallback.st <http://forum.world.st/file/t372350/UFFICallback.st>  
CTypes.st <http://forum.world.st/file/t372350/CTypes.st>  

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