On 6/10/20 2:25 p. m., jtuc...@objektfabrik.de wrote:
>>> - Choose Boring Technology - http://boringtechnology.club/
>> This made my day. Thank you :-)
> Had never heard of this guy, but his site feels like home to me. Makes
> me a proud user of Smalltalk and DB2 after 25+ years ;-)
> He forgot to mention that boring technology can be quite interesting
> and cool, even if it is about to turn 50 years... And he's absolutely
> right about the fact that shipiing something useful for users makes
> you much more happy (and busy) than shipping something on top of an
> incredibly complicated and bloated technology stack...
Unfortunately software tech industry is co-opted by hype, trends and big
numbers. In that sense, Pharo or Fossil or technology that doesn't fit
that trio seems non boring for those used to evaluate safeness there. In
my hackerspace the ones used to more popular tech look at Pharo as too
strange (risky?), but those who don't have any preconception, mainly
non-programmers (by education or trade) have no problem accepting Pharo,
Fossil and more simple and agile technologies.

We deliver value swiftly from the margins, without being trapped by hype
o big numbers. I wonder how this organic, resilient and innovative
growth can be more visible, despite of being so far away of the usual
places where most tech related individuals, communities and investors
look for.


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