
Just an addition to my previous mail on your query on protocol

Per the MongoDB-atlas control panel the following connect protocol options
are available. These come up when a database user is added thru Database
Access option 
- X.509 Certificate

Hope this is the information you are looking for

Sanjay Minni wrote
> Thanks Stef,
> I really am not technically knowledgeable to answer that question
> but all documentation is here
> however after the technicals, i sort of noted somewhere that A database
> username and password is required in the connect string for a connect and
> there could be a slight variation in AWS / Azure / GCP hosting (I am using
> GCP but can change)
> Thanks for helping
> Stéphane Ducasse wrote
>> Hi 
>> what is the authentification protocol of this service?
>> S
>>> On 25 Mar 2021, at 15:12, Sanjay Minni <
>> sm@
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I really need some help here as I am unable to connect 
>>> Pharo to MongoDB Atlas Cluster service: 
>>> (This service gives a free 500 MB MongoDB cluster on the cloud and
>>> thereafter larger on subscription) 
>>> I have got stuck in my application development.
>>> The connection is thru MongoDB (client) Drivers and the connection
>>> string
>>> typically is given as
>>> 'mongodb+srv://
> <username>
>> :
> <password>
> <mydefaultdatabase>
>> ?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
>>> Ques 1.:
>>>  is MongoClient required ?
>>>  though Atlas service is a cluster the manual for Atlas states 
>>>  'MongoDB drivers automatically attempt server selection following a
>>> cluster election or failover event. By 
>>>  default, the C driver immediately raises an error if its first attempt
>>> to
>>> select a server fails. ...'
>>>  in any case MongoClient will probably fail in the following line at 
>>>>> initializeWith:
>>>  ...
>>>  initialUrlStrings := initialUrls collect: [:each | each asMongoUrl
>>> asMongoUrlString ].
>>>  as
>>>  asMongoUrl will not work with the scheme 'mongodb+srv' 
>>> Ques 2:
>>>  Can we directly connect thru class Mongo. However the specified connect
>>> string above would not go thru 
>>> So can someone pls help on how to connect or work around this 
>>> Sanjay Minni wrote
>>>> Hi
>>>> can anyone pls help me with an example of connecting to a MongoDB Atlas
>>>> cluster (their cloud service).
>>>> My Atlas cluster replica set is at the urls
>>>> The MongoDB Atlas website specifies the application connectstring as
>>>> 'mongodb+srv://
> <username>
>>>> :
> <password>
> <mydefaultdatabase>
>>>> ?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
>>>> I saw the doc / example on pharo-nosql/mongotalk but could not figure
>>>> out
>>>> in
>>>> MongoClient -
>>>> 1. how to get embed the username:password in the connectstring which i
>>>> feel
>>>> would be needed,
>>>> 2. how to specify the default database
>>>> 3. is it required to specify all three members while Mongo suggests a
>>>> single
>>>> part connect string which probably must be covering the cluster
>>>> thanks
>>>> -----
>>>> cheers, 
>>>> Sanjay
>>>> --
>>>> Sent from:
>>> -----
>>> cheers, 
>>> Sanjay
>>> --
>>> Sent from:
>> --------------------------------------------
>> Stéphane Ducasse
>> / 
>> 03 59 35 87 52
>> Assistant: Aurore Dalle 
>> FAX 03 59 57 78 50
>> TEL 03 59 35 86 16
>> S. Ducasse - Inria
>> 40, avenue Halley, 
>> Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park Plaza
>> Villeneuve d'Ascq 59650
>> France
> -----
> cheers, 
> Sanjay
> --
> Sent from:

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