Hi Stephane


Many thanks for following up on the issue with the extra comment tab in the
System Browser.


As requested, I have included more information below:



Over the last few days, I have seen the issue in 

Build information:
Pharo-10.0.0+build.536.sha.2314c3f457171dcde477ff6575b578835f1fd519 (64 Bit)

I believe this is the latest stable P10 release for Windows 64.

It was created as a new image via Pharo Launcher version: 3.0.1


Previously I was using 

Build information:
Pharo-10.0.0+build.515.sha.b18847fed2389428342d35b0056824644a1ce5fe (64 Bit)

And I was getting the normal comment tab behaviour. 

I still can see that when I fire up that old image.



I had not used Pharo since July 2022, and before resuming work I decided to
create a fresh new P10 image to work with.

Using the launcher, I created a new image based on the Pharo 10 (stable)
image. And of course it updated the Windows 64 VM as well for me.

I then reloaded my code base and started work. Pretty soon I noticed the odd
behaviour with the System Browser.

I then posed the question on discord for guidance.


Since then, I tried to simplify the issue by creating another new image
based on Pharo 10 (stable).

This time I didn't make any changes, alter settings, or loading any code or

I checked the simple image and verified that the System Browser issue was

Because this is just the 'vanilla' image, unchanged by me, I a hoping it
will be easy to verify this behaviour at your end.



Cheers and regards


Perth, Western Australia


From: stephane ducasse <stephane.duca...@inria.fr> 
Sent: Sunday, 8 January 2023 10:43 PM
To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
Subject: [Pharo-users] Re: The System Browser has recently started showing 2
comments tabs - one is text and one is formatted pretty. That seems odd and
is not wanted - has anyone else seen this? Pharo 10 stable image - windows
64 - all reloaded recently...


Hi mark 


Which version of Pharo are you using?

In P11 I saw some regressions.


On 8 Jan 2023, at 14:30, mark.odonoghue.2...@gmail.com
<mailto:mark.odonoghue.2...@gmail.com>  wrote:




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